
Don't be HANNYA!!

This shocking mask is sold at the mall in Asakusa. It is called Hannya (般若). What is your first impression?

The Hannya is a jealous female demon. This grim mask is used to represent the malice or sublime emotions of human beings.

I tweet to women all over the world. "Don't be HANNYA!!" :-)


  1. Ahaha, "Don't be a Hannya!" My first impression would be, "WOAH. WHAT'S THIS?", ahaha. I have a book on Japanese masks and a Hannya mask wasn't in it. They had a 'Naminari' mask. Would you say that is almost the same as a Hannya mask?

  2. Scary. Looks like the same mask from the movie Onibaba (Demon Woman).

  3. hi, panshutu
    sorry, i don't know 'Naminari' mask. would you show me the photograph?
