

This is the second time about Asakusa. Main of Tourism in Asakusa is Senso-Ji (浅草寺). There are a lot of historic architectures and Buddhist statues. Senso-Ji was established in 628. If that helps, the main temple is now under construction for exterior work.

This great and glorious architecture is Hozo-Mon (宝蔵門). This is the second gate to the main temple.

This is japanese sandals. It is 4.5 meters (length) and 1.5 meters (width) and 500 kg (weight). The guardian gods of the temple use them. Soooooo BIG!!

This is Jokoro (常香炉). It is believed that the smoke of Jokoro can cure illness and ache in the bodies. Where on your body will you put the smoke? Stomach, heart, or legs? The young women in the photo is putting the smoke on her brain!!  :)

A ceremony is now being held in the main temple. Please be quiet... Namu Amida Buddha...

to be continued later...

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